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Housing Insights Central

Delve into articles on market trends, home improvement, and legal tips that guide you to smarter housing decisions.

Finding Your Dream Home: Tips and Tricks for a Successful Housing Search

You've been searching for the perfect home to fit all your needs and wants, but you're still empty. Don't worry; you're not alone! Finding a dream home is no easy task– but with...

Should I Buy a House in Today's Market?

Should I Buy a House in Today'S Market? The question has been on everyone's mind, and the answer depends on your circumstances. Many people want to maximize their wealth while minimizing their stress. In today's competitive housing mark...

Fears of Coronavirus Affect Housing Market

Stories of people fearful of the Coronavirus are falling one on top of the other as panic spreads around the globe. Many restaurants have seen their patronage dwindle significantly, while panic at airports, especially dealing wit...

Forbes Warns Rent Crisis Already Here

According to Forbes, one of the world's foremost financial publications, the "rental crisis of 2020" is upon is in full swing, and is one of the worst symptoms of Covid-19. Forbes has reached this conclusion by and large...

World Homeless Day Is October 10

World Homeless Day is October 10. People who are homeless need protection from two serious threats. The first threat they face is from the upcoming cold weather. The second is from the COVID-19 pandemic. Nearly 100 million people around the w...

COVID Boosts These Real Estate Trends While Causing Others to Slow Down

Being aware of real estate trends can help you make good decisions when buying, selling, or renting property. However, a lot of tried and true housing trends are being turned on their head by the COVID-1...

Demand for Affordable Housing Is High in Las Vegas

The City of Lights may have plenty of bulbs, playing cards and poker chips, but one thing that is lacking in is a supply of housing for sale. The demand of affordable housing in Las Vegas is at an all time high, according to...

COVID-19 Exacerbates Housing Instability in African Americans

In March 2020, COVID-19 was declared by the World Health Organization to be a pandemic. Workplaces started shutting down. Local and state governments curtailed activities and instituted closures of retail, restaur...

How to Increase Your Home Value before Selling?

Are you not sure whether or not you need to renovate your home? If you are looking to sell your house in the future, then renovation is a must. Since homebuyers are never going to settle for less, how do you increase your home'...