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Housing Insights Central

Delve into articles on market trends, home improvement, and legal tips that guide you to smarter housing decisions.

Housing Group in New York Calls for Rent Strike

As of Thursday, April 16, millions of Americans have received their stimulus money deposited into their banks, with millions more bringing the IRS website to a complete halt while seeing if they're eligible. Tens of mill...

How to Talk to Your Landlord About COVID-19

Like many Americans, you may have either fallen behind on your rent or are at risk for doing so in the near future. While evictions are barred right now, you may be in danger once the moratorium expires. However, you are not as muc...

7 Tips for a Successful Remote Learning Process

The 2020-21 school year has begun or is about to begin for millions of students across the United States. Many school districts are using a blended or hybrid learning model, and some are all virtual learning, at least through t...

Looking to Remodel or Refresh Your Home? You May Want to Avoid These Trends

With the coolness and darkness setting in around the country, many people are looking for ways to update their home to create a cozier vibe. This combined with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is leadi...

How the Biden Administration Will Work Through Affordable Housing Challenges

As President-elect Joe Biden prepares to take the oath of office on January 20, 2021, he is facing a multitude of issues. The most obvious is the COVID-19 pandemic and its fallout. The economic rami...

What Maine Is Doing to Increase Affordable Housing Options

The lack of affordable housing is a common problem in Maine as it is in the rest of the United States. This widespread flaw causes more people to be at risk of homelessness. Those who live on an extremely low income ...

Crisfield Public Housing Tenants Face Eviction Over Minor Debts

Public housing is designed to be a solution to combat homelessness, not a contribution to the problem. However, residents of public housing in Crisfield, MD, say that they're being evicted over minor debts. The ...

The housing market was on fire in 2020 due to the pandemic, with an estimated 8.7 percent YoY growth rate. The housing market is hot, according to CNN...

Why Worry About Housing Market The economy of the United States is not at its best. The Federal Reserve and the Feder...

NRP Group to Build Affordable Housing

The NRP Group has just broke ground on affordable housing in the north of Austin, Texas. The group is known nationally as a "best in class" housing developer and builder, and their focus has turned in recent years to affordable housing,...