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Housing Insights Central

Delve into articles on market trends, home improvement, and legal tips that guide you to smarter housing decisions.

7 Tips for a Successful Remote Learning Process

The 2020-21 school year has begun or is about to begin for millions of students across the United States. Many school districts are using a blended or hybrid learning model, and some are all virtual learning, at least through t...

COVID Boosts These Real Estate Trends While Causing Others to Slow Down

Being aware of real estate trends can help you make good decisions when buying, selling, or renting property. However, a lot of tried and true housing trends are being turned on their head by the COVID-1...

The business industry has undergone a significant transformation in the last few years. Today, many business owners operate their businesses online. H...

Demand for rental apartments is also on the rise as more people start families. Therefore, constructing a commercial pro...

10 Tips for Landlords while Renting Out their Property

It can be challenging for property owners to rent out their property successfully from one year to the other. Here are the 10 tips that will allow you to have a good relationship with your tenants for extended duratio...

A Looming Housing Crisis Being Ignored

A Looming Housing Crisis Being Ignored Forbes released an article earlier today, October 3, on the current state of housing in America. The gist of the article is that people were giving impassioned speeches at a housing conference, wa...

Past Family Models Help New Home-Buyers Adjust

The housing market in America isn't doing so great, and that bit of information isn't exactly new news. Home prices are higher than they've ever been at any other point in history. No need to adjust for in...

How to Determine Which Housing Program Suits You

Housing programs are a great way to get access to affordable living and can help take the burden off of your wallet in a big way. But where do you even begin when it comes to figuring out which program is right for you? Fea...

Where Will Mortgage Rates Head in 2020?

One of the things that helped the housing market forward in 2019 was the fact that interest rates dropped over the course of the year, making mortgages less expensive. Experts now predict that the good times will persist throughout 2020...

Finally, Solution for Homelessness and Spiraling Housing Prices on Horizon

It's no secret that housing prices in desirable locations have been skyrocketing for the past few decades. As something that's often seen as a tenet of "generational warfare" between Baby Boomers and ...