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Housing Insights Central

Delve into articles on market trends, home improvement, and legal tips that guide you to smarter housing decisions.

How Would a Potential Biden Presidency Affect the Housing Industry?

Now that both political parties have wrapped up their conventions, it is time to delve into the specifics of their policy plans. After the pomp and circumstance of the election season is over, Americans...

7 Tips for a Successful Remote Learning Process

The 2020-21 school year has begun or is about to begin for millions of students across the United States. Many school districts are using a blended or hybrid learning model, and some are all virtual learning, at least through t...

Housing Market Continues to Set Records Despite Ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic

Housing experts were predicting a dire freefall in the home market when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Fortunately, those predictions have proven to be way off as the market has shown an extraordinary amo...

If You're Buying or Selling Property, Check Out These COVID Safety Tips

COVId-19 might have slowed down some parts of the economy, but in many places, the housing market is booming. Right now might be a great time to sell or buy a new property, but a lot of the traditional...

Best Real Estate and Housing Blogs to Add to Your Required Reading List

One of the best ways to learn more about the real estate and housing market is to spend a dedicated amount of time each week reading respected blogs about the topic. Regardless of if you are a novice to...

Demand for Affordable Housing Is High in Las Vegas

The City of Lights may have plenty of bulbs, playing cards and poker chips, but one thing that is lacking in is a supply of housing for sale. The demand of affordable housing in Las Vegas is at an all time high, according to...

How COVID-19 and Political Unrest is Affecting Housing Market

One industry that has been relatively immune from the far-reaching effects of the COVID-19 health crisis is the housing market. However, ongoing protests and increasing political tension is changing the way that ...

Denver Offers New COVID-friendly Housing Solutions for the Homeless

On January 9, the city of Denver, CO, announced new plans to help homeless people at increased risk of COVID-19 infections and complications. The goal is to keep the people off the streets and in safe and af...

Many Affordable Housing Recipients Missed Payments in 2020

People who manage to get an affordable housing unit often have to deal with a long list of stipulations. They can't have any arrests, can't be charged with any drug violations, must allow inspectors to come in and en...